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How To Compare Specific Items In Array Inside Of Basic Lodash Loop

This is the basic JavaScript for loop I'm trying to replace: for (var i=0; i

Solution 1:

You can use _.find()

var ticker = _.find(tickers, {'ticker': selectedTicker});

// `find()` returns an object if the element is found in array// it returns `undefined` if not foundif (ticker) {
    // If element found in the array call the function
    selectTicker('portfolio', ticker);

    // return; // To return from the function

Solution 2:

You need to pass i into the callback in the lodash function. This should work:

_.times((tickers.length), function(i) {
    if (tickers[i].ticker === selectedTicker) {
      selectTicker('portfolio', tickers[i]);

Also, if you're able to use es6 syntax, you can achieve the same result by using filter

var ticker = tickers.filter(t => t.ticker === selectedTicker)[0];
  selectTicker('portfolio', ticker);

Solution 3:

You have to add an argument to the function:

_.times((tickers.length), function( i ) {
    if (tickers[i].ticker === selectedTicker) {
        selectTicker('portfolio', tickers[i]);

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