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Map Array To Object With Depth Based On Separate Object

I have an array of data (in reality a parsed CSV dump from MySQL with headers) ['adam', 'smith', 'honda', 'civic'] I have an object which defines how that array of data should loo

Solution 1:

Here is one way to do it. It works for the case you presented.


var arr = ['adam', 'smith', 'honda', 'civic']

var obj = {
  first_name : 0,
  last_name: 1,
  car : {
    make: 2,
    model: 3

functionmapObj(o, a)
        var objType = typeof(o[key]);
        if(objType === "object")
            mapObj(o[key], a);
            o[key] = a[o[key]];


mapObj(obj, arr);

Solution 2:

You could try something like this:

var myarray = ['adam', 'smith', 'honda', 'civic'];
var myobject = {
    first_name: 0,
    last_name: 1,
    car: {
        make: 2,
        model: 3

functionobjectLoop(obj) {
    for (var key in obj) {
        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
            if (typeof obj[key] == 'number') {
                obj[key] = myarray[obj[key]];
            } else {
    return obj;


This was a quick write. There may be some use cases I didn't account for but it does work for your data above. It can def be expanded on.


Solution 3:

One of possible solutions !

var arr =['adam', 'smith', 'honda', 'civic'];
var obj = {
  first_name : 0,
  last_name: 1,
  car : {
    make: 2,
    model: 3

functionisNumber(n) {
  return !isNaN(parseFloat(n)) && isFinite(n);

functionextract( argObj , argArr){
  var o = {};
  Object.keys( argObj ).forEach(function( k ){
      var curDef = argObj[k];
      if(isNumber( curDef ) ){
        o[k] = argArr[ curDef ];
      o[k] =  extract( curDef , argArr); 
  return o;
var newO = extract(obj, arr);

console.dir( newO );
document.body.innerHTML+= '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(newO , null , ' ') + '</pre>';

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