Google-map-react - Javascript: How To Click On A Customized Marker
I have a google-map with customized markers. Those markers are logos of companies. After inquiring the APIs I am able to obtain a json file with the vessels I am interested in and
Solution 1:
To make a custom marker clickable, Ship
component could be extended like this:
constShip = ({ ship }) => {
const shipName = ship.NAME;
const company = shipCompanyMap[shipName];
console.log('marker clicked');
const shipImage = companyImageMap[company];
return (
{/* Render shipImage image */}
<imgsrc={shipImage}alt="Logo" /></div>
Here is an example which demonstrates how to make marker clickable for google-map-react
importReact, { Component } from"react";
import icon from"./orange-blank.png";
const googleAPIKey = "";
const markerStyle = {
position: "absolute"
functionCustomMarker({lat,lng,onMarkerClick}) {
return (
<divonClick={onMarkerClick}lat={lat}lng={lng}><imgstyle={markerStyle}src={icon}alt="icon" /></div>
functionMapExample({ center, zoom, data }) {
return (
<GoogleMapReactstyle={{height: "100vh", width: "100%" }}
{, idx) => {
return <CustomMarkeronMarkerClick={handleMarkerClick}key={idx}lat={}lng={item.lng} />
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