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Isolating Directive Scope But Preserve Binding On Ngmodel

I have a directive that will use ng-model to expose its value. The question is that this directive have internal components that will also mess the scope, so I need to isolate its

Solution 1:

Normally, ngModelController is meant to be used with directives that do not create a new scope. The only way I've found to get it to work with an isolate scope is to use the same name in the isolate scope:

scope: { prop: '=ngModel' }  // must use 'prop' here!

For more discussion on this, see my SO answer:

You can also have the directive create a new scope using scope: true. If you do this, then prop would need to be an object property, not a primitive: e.g., ng-model='someObj.prop'. For more on this approach, see the first fiddle of this

This would still allow you to create your own (new) properties on the new directive child scope, without affecting the parent scope. Well, you need to be aware of how scope prototypal inheritance works somewhat -- objects defined on the parent scope will be visible and changeable in the directive child scope. Primitives defined on the parent scope will be visible, but if you try to change the value of a parent primitive you'll end up creating a child property that hides/shadows the parent property of the same name. (Lots more info about prototypal inheritance can be found here.)

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