Jquery Ui Datepicker Triggered From Text Link
Solution 1:
So this is a bug. You'll have to add a block-level element right after the hidden input:
<ul><li><ahref="#"id="datep">Test</a><inputtype="hidden"id="dp" /><div></div></li></ul>
Solution 2:
Another version with hidden text:http://jsfiddle.net/sKXJt/Working Demohttp://jsfiddle.net/BhqmY/
This will help for hidden textbox:
Open JQuery Datepicker by clicking on an image w/ no input field
Hope it will help the cause :)
I am not sure about the downvote :)
anyhoo see the version with the hidden text here: http://jsfiddle.net/sKXJt/
$(document).ready(function() {
onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
$('#datep').click(function() {
working image
Solution 3:
Since I'm using this throughout my project, I created a compact jQuery plug-in to do this, and decided to share.
JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/yahermann/xyjhyqma/
<spanclass="some-datepicker-class"><ahref="(some link)"data-date-param="(some date param)">(some initial date)</a></span>
$('span.some-datepicker-class').datepicker_link(); // see jsfiddle for options
The default onSelect handler takes an optional link & date parameter set in the initial HTML. If both are provided, then upon selecting a new date, the plugin will load the provided link and include the selected date as a value to the provided parameter. Example:
The initial date 2018-05-05 will be displayed. Upon selecting a new date, the plugin will load the following page: http://example.com?mydate=(new_date)
If this functionality is not desired, just set href="#" and/or provide your own onSelect callback instead.
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