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How Do You Pass An Apostrophe Through A Url?

I'm using Node.js: var s = 'Who\'s that girl?'; var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(s); request(url, POST, ...) This does not work! And Facebook cut

Solution 1:

Had the same problem, encodeURIComponent didn't encode single quote. The trick is to do the replacement of ' with %27, after the encoding:

var trackArtistTitle = encodeURIComponent("Johnny Vegas - Who's Ready Fo'r Ice Cre'am")
// result: Johnny%20Vegas%20-%20Who's%20Ready%20Fo'r%20Ice%20Cre'am
trackArtistTitle = trackArtistTitle.replace(/'/g, '%27')
// result: Johnny%20Vegas%20-%20Who%27s%20Ready%20Fo%27r%20Ice%20Cre%27am

This way, trackArtistTitle will be properly decoded on server i.e. with PHP using urldecode().

Solution 2:

I'm doing a similar thing (also with Node.js) and first tried using JavaScript's built-in escape() function, but it didn't really work.

Here's how I ended up getting search to work. It might just be a fluke:

functiondoMySearch(showTitle) {
     showTitle = escapeShowTitle(showTitle)
     var url = "" + showTitle + "&type=page"doSomethingWith(url)

functionescapeShowTitle(title) {
    title = title.replace(/'/g, "")
    title = escape(title)
    return title

doMySearch("America's Funniest home Videos")

Solution 3:

I know this doesn't address the OP's question, but for those coming here with OData Query related questions, note that the escape character is yet another single quote.

unescapedValue.replace(/'/g, '\'\'')

This assumes you have already performed an encodeURIComponent(unescapedValue) on your string


Solution 4:

Recent answer (2021)

Using JavaScript's URLSearchParams:

console.log(newURLSearchParams({ text: "Who's that girl?" }).toString())

// orconsole.log(newURLSearchParams("text=Who's that girl?").toString())

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