D3 Getting Invert Value Of Band Scales
Solution 1:
Solved this as below but i don't know this is standard way, if any other way please answer to this.
var eachBand = self.yScale.step();
var index = Math.round((d3.event.y / eachBand));
var val = self.yScale.domain()[index];
eachBand gives the size of the band in pixels if i divide the y value (drag event) by the eachBand i will get the index which gives the yScale value
Solution 2:
When the graph has padding on the left and right the answers give undefined
as result if the value is outside the bars of the graph. The following function can be used to take this padding into consideration and clamp the index to the valid values of the domain
functionscaleBandInvert(scale) {
var domain = scale.domain();
var paddingOuter = scale(domain[0]);
var eachBand = scale.step();
returnfunction (value) {
var index = Math.floor(((value - paddingOuter) / eachBand));
return domain[Math.max(0,Math.min(index, domain.length-1))];
It can be used as follows:
var xScale = d3.scaleBand().domain(...).rangeRound([a,b]);
var dvalX = scaleBandInvert(xScale)(value); // single invert
var dRangeX = d3.event.selection.map(scaleBandInvert(xScale)); // in a brush event handler
Solution 3:
One tweak to the accepted answer - you may want to use Math.floor
rather than Math.round
as the former will return the next level lower if you happen to select below the center point of the item. Modified solution is thus:
var eachBand = self.yScale.step();
var index = Math.floor((d3.event.y / eachBand));
var val = self.yScale.domain()[index];
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