Calculate Vector With Given Angle And Length
Is there any way in which, in javascript, I can call a function with an x and y co-ord and a direction(angle in degrees) and it will return a set of new co-ords that has been 'move
Solution 1:
This function returns an array [xCoord, yCoord
] of the new coordinates:
functionmyFunction(xCoord, yCoord, angle, length) {
length = typeof length !== 'undefined' ? length : 10;
angle = angle * Math.PI / 180; // if you're using degrees instead of radiansreturn [length * Math.cos(angle) + xCoord, length * Math.sin(angle) + yCoord]
Solution 2:
I just wanted to point out, that the answers of are not correct IMHO. I've created a JSFiddle showing that the correct implementation must be something like this:
functiongetRelativeVector(angle, length, xOffset, yOffset) {
angle = angle * Math.PI / 180;
return {
X:length * Math.sin(angle) + xOffset,
Y:length * Math.cos(angle) + yOffset
The other solutions shown here from @Audrius and @Markus are simply twisted in cos
and sin
. They are working for angles between 0 and 45 degrees only.
The formula would be:
X = length * sin(angle) + xLocation
Y = length * cos(angle) + yLocation
Solution 3:
The shift in x coordinate is L*cos(a)
and shift in y coordinate is L*sin(a)
, where a
is the angle ("direction given") and L
is 10 px in your case.
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