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Web Browser Paint Rate With Multiple Animations On The Page

We can use requestAnimationFrame in order to paint a frame in our browser. However, what happens if we have multiple animations on the same page? If for example we have 3 custom ma

Solution 1:

It's fairly easy to combine multiple effects into a single requestAnimationFrame

You use an array of javascript objects which define the timing of each of your effects:

var timers=[];

You can use one requestAnimationFrame loop that iterates through the loop and triggers each effect based on a nextFireTime

    // request another looprequestAnimationFrame(timerLoop);   
    // iterate through each timerfor(var i=0;i<timers.length;i++){
        // if this timer has reached its //     next scheduled trigger time...if(currentTime>timers[i].nextFireTime){
            var t=timers[i];
            // ...then do this effect
            // and reset the timer to fire again in the future

Here's example code an a Demo:

var canvas=document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx=canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw=canvas.width;
var ch=canvas.height;

var timers=[];
  // request another looprequestAnimationFrame(timerLoop);   
  // iterate through each timerfor(var i=0;i<timers.length;i++){
    // if this timer has reached its //     next scheduled trigger time...if(currentTime>timers[i].nextFireTime){
      var t=timers[i];
      // ...then do this effect
      // and reset the timer to fire again in the future
  // this demo just calls this one effect function// but you would call separate effect functions // for your marquis & fades.
  ctx.fillText('Timer#'+i+' with '+t.delay+'ms delay has fired '+(++t.counter)+' times.',20,100+20*i);    
body{ background-color: ivory; padding:10px; }
#canvas{border:1px solid red;}

Solution 2:

requestAnimationFrame reffers to an internal browser mechanism of rendering a frame of an entire webpage. When you say requestAnimationFrame you are not telling it to create something for you, you are asking for it to tell you when a next frame is being rendered so you can hook up your action to it.

So you can use requestAnimationFrame as many times as you want and the browser will sync your actions automatically by running them whenever a frame (which you requested) will be available.

Of course, performancevise it is better to avoid multiple per frame function calls (as they need to stack and execute one after another inside each frame) but from the synchronization point of view its quite irrelevant. Also, there is no way you will be multipling any frames or paints.

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