Js Pagex And Pagey Take The Coordinate Plus The Margin Of Relative Position Div?
Solution 1:
Take a look at the updated fiddle.
Quick solution remove positioning of canvas:
#canvasDiv {
width: 30%;
height: 400px;
background-color: #458B00;
/* position: relative; */
The problem is with the positioning of template. Because absolute
is still "relative".
The definition of absolute positioning: An absolute position element is positioned relative to the first parent element that has a position other than static.
Therefore the position of #template
will take into consideration the position of #canvasDiv
unless you leave #canvasDiv
with the default static
Learn more about positioning at w3schools
Positioning absolutely elements inside relatively positioned elements: here
Great example of your problem tabs 3 & 4.
Should you wish to stick with the relative positioning of canvasDiv
, you have to update the script, so it takes into account the positioning of canvasDiv
var x = event.pageX;
var y = event.pageY;
var canvasPos = $(this).offset(); // in the context of your script this refers to #canvasDivvar styles = {
"left" : x - canvasPos.left, // remove its left offset"top" : y - canvasPos.top // remove its top offset
Check out the fiddle
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