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Firebase New Date()?

I'm new to Firebase and I was wondering how I can store a JavaScript date and use Firebase to compare them on the client side later? I want to do something like: var someDate = new

Solution 1:

You can also use timestamp.

var timestamp = newDate().getTime();

myRootRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
    var currDate = newDate();
    var snapshotTimestamp = snapshot.val();

    //you can operate on timestamps only...console.log("Snapshot timestamp: " + snapshotTimestamp);

    if(currDate.getTime() >= snapshotTimestamp) {
        //do something

    //...or easily create date object with it  console.log("Snapshot full date: " + newDate(snapshotTimestamp));

    if (currDate >=  newDate(snapshotTimestamp)){
        //do something


Solution 2:

You need to set a Firebase with string or object with value, and than read the same value in the event.

var someDate = newDate();
    myRootRef.set({Date: someDate.toString()});

    myRootRef.on('value', function(snapshot) {
    var msg = snapshot.val();
     var currDate = newDate();
    if (currDate >=  msg.Date){
     //do something

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