Handle State As New Route In Ionic Framework With Angular Ui-router
Solution 1:
don't know if this is still relevant as it was posted February and I'm by no means a ng-pro but here is my attempt JSBinLink
Two major things I did where to wrap the content in ion-tabs and add it in the stateProvider as an abstract state.
With this construct you have two independent tabs "Home", "About" - notice, no back button. However if you navigate to "Tom" within "About" - you get a back button.
There are other ways to achieve something similar, one is to create child states and such.
I would recommend to check out the UI-Routers documentation. It's mostly well written and very informative - there is also a create video of Tom Kindberg explaining the main concepts of it over here.
Hope this helps.
Solution 2:
Difference between $StateRouteProvider and $UrlRouteProvider ..
$UrlRouteProvider.otherwise(url); -->route to given url.
$StateRouteProvider.otherwise(state); -->route to given state.
So, if you are using ui-router then wherever view change is required use $state.go(). In a case of $location.path(URL) will work in a case like the transition to the independent state to current state. If you are looking to route through states under the same parent then you have to use $state route.
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