Uncaught Typeerror: This.pluginapi.setsrc Is Not A Function
I'm trying to change the source of a mediaelementplayer but I just can't. I get this error: 'Uncaught TypeError: this.pluginApi.setSrc is not a function' I tried all sort of sol
Solution 1:
for those searching for a solution to this probleme here is my solution at least it worked for me: so it was all about removing the old player than renitializing the attributes
var src = $(this).attr("href");
var vid = $('#player1').first();
if (vid.attr('type') != type) {
$("#youtube_player").attr('type', type).attr('src', src);
player = newMediaElementPlayer('#player1', {success: function(media) {
thanks for all the help i got here^^
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