Parallax Content Slider Autoplay Not Working
Solution 1:
Try this
$(document).ready(function () {
current: 4,
// index of current slidebgincrement: 50,
// increment the background position// (parallax effect) when slidingcircular: true,
autoplay: true,
// slideshow on / offintervalSec: 500// time between transitions
I have just changed name of value interval
to intervalSec
as per the documentation other things should be okay
Also in the provided link of website you are using older version of jQuery v1.8.3 If possible update it to latest version CDN, as for CSS3 newer version works better(Note: which does not support some old browsers)
Update: In the given website Link there are two JQuery UI of different versions used
Please remove the older version(the js/jquery-ui.min.js) to avoid any conflict..
Solution 2:
today I was trying to solve exactly the same problem.
Even though this answer is probably not required anymore, I will add it for further coders that will encounter the same problem.
The root cause is in bgincrement value. If there is no background that it can "move" it will stop responding without any error. And its total mess.
Setting bgincrement to zero made the slider work again:
$(document).ready(function () {
autoplay : true,
bgincrement : 0
Solution 3:
I had the same problem... please deactivate all other jquery plugins, let only the slider at place. Do not forget to delete the initiation codes in your custom js file or in your html file as well ! Normally your slider works online after all. Then you can re-add your plugins step by step and you will recognize with which plugin your slider has incompatibility. I had jQuery Timelinr 0.9.54 plugin which blocked my slider.
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