One Index Is Dependent On Another Index In Java Script
I'm making a function for a moving window design self-paced reading experiment where a sentence is input and a function replaces all letters with dashes. The participant then click
Solution 1:
If I understood correctly, this is what you are looking or, right?
functionreplaceWithdash(sentenceList, currentWordNumber) {
const regions = sentenceList.split(",")
const sigil = => s.replaceAll(/[^\s]/g, "-"))
if (currentWordNumber !== undefined) {
sigil.splice(currentWordNumber, 1, regions[currentWordNumber])
return sigil.join("")
str = "The dog, ate, the food"console.log(replaceWithdash(str))
//"--- --- --- --- ----"console.log(replaceWithdash(str, 0))
//"The dog --- --- ----"console.log(replaceWithdash(str, 1))
//"--- --- ate --- ----"console.log(replaceWithdash(str, 2))
// "--- --- --- the food"
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