Flexslider 2 Resizing On Window Resize
Solution 1:
You probably have a solution or have moved on at this stage but I thought I'd point out this issue on github for visitors: https://github.com/woothemes/FlexSlider/issues/391 (note patbouche's answer). This solution worked for me. I put it in the after:
var slider1 = $('#slider1').data('flexslider');
Solution 2:
I combined a couple of these solutions and also added a check to make sure the slider existed on the page first.
$(function() {
var resizeEnd;
$(window).on('resize', function() {
resizeEnd = setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
if ($('.flexslider').length > 0) {
Solution 3:
I had to bind the window resize event in order to get this working reliably. Since the FlexSlider before and after callbacks did not work for me:
$(window).bind('resize', function() {
var slider = $('#banner').data('flexslider');
}, 1000);
Solution 4:
I think it is better to put it into before callback:
// your settingsbefore: function(slider){
Solution 5:
I've also tried many ways but none where really working... Then I did it manually, and it works now: Save the slider data before changed by flexslider, when window is resizing: destroy flexslider (https://stackoverflow.com/a/16334046/7334422) and delete node completely, manually add original slider node that was saved in data, add it again and initialize flexslider... because this is quite expensive I also added a resized method (https://stackoverflow.com/a/40534918/7334422), in order to not being executed while resizing... Yes it is some code and it's a bit hacky, but it's working :)
$.fn.resized = function (callback, timeout) {
$(this).resize(function () {
var $this = $(this);
if ($this.data('resizeTimeout')) {
$this.data('resizeTimeout', setTimeout(callback, timeout));
slider.data("originalslider", slider.parent().html());
animation: "slide",
//... your options here
$(".flexslider").each(function() {
$(".flexslider").each(function() {
parent = $(this).parent();
originalslider = $(this).data("originalslider");
newslider = parent.children().first();
}, 200);
You better wrap your slider in an own unique container:
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