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Angularjs - Error: 10 $digest() Iterations Reached. Aborting

I am trying to create a Metro Tile type grid with Angular, to achieve this i want each of the tiles to be a different colour. So my plan of action was to create a function that wou

Solution 1:

Angular performs a digest function to update the DOM when your data changes.

During the digest, it recomputes all the values you have bound in the DOM, in this case {{RandomColorClass()}}. If any of them change, it again performs a digest cycle (since some variables may depend on the value of of the changed variable, for example).

It does this repeatedly until two digests in a row result in the same values -- i.e, nothing has changed.

What's happening is that when a digest occurs, your RandomColorClass() function is being called and returns a different value. This triggers an additional digest, where RandomColorClass() again returns a different value, which triggers another digest...

Can you see where this is going? You shouldn't be generating random values in this manner -- instead, generate them in your scope and persist them.

One approach might be, in your scope:

functionrandomColourClass() { /* ... */ };

$scope.GridStockRecords.forEach(function(record) {
  record.colorClass = randomColourClass(); 

and HTML:

<divng-repeat="stockRecord in GridStockRecords | filter:searchText"ng-class="stockRecord.colorClass"><div><h6>{{stockRecord.ProductGroupName}}</h6></div></div>

Solution 2:

I had the same problem in IE10 turns ut that the problem was that I was redirecting using window.location.

window.location = "#route/yada";

Changed the code to


And that solved my issues. =D

Solution 3:

Answer unrelated to this particular question, but I'm adding it here because it's on the Google front page when you search for the error message and it took me a bit until I figured it out:

I had something like this in my view:

<custom-tag data="[1,2,3]"/>

And the controller of the custom tag had a watcher set up on $ This caused AngularJS to barf because every time it re-checked the value of data it got a new object from the view (remember, the array is an object) so it never finished digesting it properly.

Solution 4:

I encountered this error when I mistyped ng-class="submit()" instead of ng-click="submit()". I can't imagine anyone else making such a silly error, but for the record, this is another way to create 10 $digest() iterations reached aborting!

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