Why Validatorvalidate() Validates All The Requiredfieldvalidator Controls On The Page?
Solution 1:
You need to return something from check(), otherwise, it's running it, and then passing through and doing the normal page validation.
After calling ValidatorValidate(), you can check if the validator isvalid
functioncheck() {
var v = document.getElementById("<%=RequiredFieldValidator1.ClientID%>");
if (v.isvalid)
You did have an extra } in there as well.
You also need to throw in a return for the OnClientClick
<asp:ButtonID="Button1"runat="server"OnClientClick="return check()"Text="Check" />
Solution 2:
This happens because once you click the Button, it causes validation of all of them on postback. You'll need to group them by ValidationGroup
or use return false;
from check()
to stop the postback.
Alternatively you could also replace the RequiredFieldValidator
with CustomValidator
and do conditional checks based on your needs.
If you REALLY want to do client side validator handling, check out http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/yb52a4x0.aspx#ClientSideValidation_ClientValidationObjectModel
This page has details on Client Validation Object Model which has a few JavaScript functions to handle conditional evaluation. Check out Validation event for asp net client side validation for an example of what one person was doing along these lines.
What are you trying to do specifically? Someone can probably help you get the correct setup.
Solution 3:
Your script
is malformed.
<head><scripttype="text/javascript">functioncheck() {
var v = document.getElementById("<%=RequiredFieldValidator1.ClientID%>");
In your version you are getting a javascript error that the function check
is not defined.
The second validator gets also triggered because Validator always are triggered before postback and your function check
is called on a submit-button. Both validators would validate anyway even without your explicit call on ValidatorValidate
If you don't want to postback onclick, use a HtmlButton instead:
<inputtype="button" onclick="check()" value="Check" />
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