Setting Angular Select Ng-init To First Value In Array
I have a simple select element that I am trying to enforce a value being present to submit the form and I have tried both setting the required attribute as well as using ng-init to
Solution 1:
required will only work in side a form element.
What you want is ng-init="model.refmarker=refmarkers[0]"
<!doctype html><htmllang="en"data-ng-app="app"><head><metacharset="utf-8"><title>Test</title><scriptsrc="//"></script><scripttype="text/javascript">
$scope.model = {};
$scope.refmarkers = [{ref:'abc'},{ref:'def'},{ref:'ghi'}];
<selectng-model="model.refmarker"ng-options="rm.ref for rm in refmarkers"ng-init="model.refmarker=refmarkers[0]"></select>
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