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Randomize Children Elements On Load

I want to randomize the children elements of any
    on load with javascript. I am searching for the best approach to do it. Can some one help? Suppose i have a

Solution 1:

Quicky out of my head:

  1. Remove all the items in the <ul> with detach
  2. Store them in an array.
  3. Shuffle that array
  4. Insert elements in <ul> again.

Also take a look at this question: randomize div elements

Solution 2:

Here's how I did it (JSFiddle example here:

If you use jQuery and have HTML similar to this:


Then you could simply use .detach to remove and store the array of the <li> elements. Next, with a copy of the array, use Math.random() to generate a (pseudo)random integer between 0 and one less than the size of the array. Use this as the random index to be copied from the original (ordered) list in to the new (randomly-ordered) one. Remove the randomly-chosen element from the original array on each iteration and choose a new random one until all elements have been re-inserted:

functionshuffleList() {   
    var origList = $("#rndList li").detach();
    var newList = origList.clone();

    for (var i = 0; i < newList.length; i++) {
        //select a random index; the number range will decrease by 1 on each iterationvar randomIndex = randomInt(newList.length - i);

        //place the randomly-chosen element into our copy and remove from the original:
        newList[i] = origList.splice(randomIndex, 1);

        //place the element back into into the HTML

functionrandomInt(maxNum) { //returns a random integer from 0 to maxNum-1returnMath.floor(Math.random() * maxNum);

Solution 3:

You can achieve this with below code:

$(function () {
    var parent = $("#parent-container");
    var divs = parent.children();
    while (divs.length) {
        parent.append(divs.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * divs.length), 1)[0]);

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