Is That Possible To Execute A Function Just After Reload...?
I have a set of code setTimeout(function() { window.location.reload(true); if ($ { angular.element(document.getElementById($
Solution 1:
Define your handler for the onload event here. This will trigger after a page load (reload is no different):
object.onload=function(){myScript}; //in this case object = window
Solution 2:
Solution 3:
Well, once you have called window.location.reload(true);
1. your page will refresh/reload.
2. all the javascript will reload on the page.
3. all the triggers or callbacks will be destroyed/cancelled.
So in short there is no way to call a function after a reload call is made.
All you can do is call a function at page load time as shown below.
// this will be executed first when page loads.
But there is one glitch with this, this will execute the function whenever the page is loaded.
Solution 4:
$window.onload = function() {
/*do your thing*/
You will need to inject $window into your controller or run, etc
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