Change Between 3 Different Background Color Based On Cell Value
I have a booking page on my Joomla! 2.5 website where visitors can sign up for events; these events have 3 different statuses : less than 20: preliminary (open for registrants) mor
Solution 1:
If I understood correct you want the following:
tabletd {
padding: 5px30px;
var cell = $('td');
cell.each(function() {
var cell_value = $(this).html();
if ((cell_value >= 0) && (cell_value <=2)) {
$(this).css({'background' : '#FF0000'});
} elseif ((cell_value >= 3) && (cell_value <=7)) {
$(this).css({'background' : '#0066CC'});
} elseif (cell_value >= 8) {
$(this).css({'background' : '#00CC66'});
Here is an example:
Try creating a script.js file (in a folder called 'js') with the jquery code in it and load it after jquery, right before the closing tab, in 'index.php' file:
Maybe it works
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