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.tolowercase() Only Text Except Url's?

I've been working on this script for Greasemonkey. Problem is .tolowercase() obviously it's making anything uppercase to lowercase, which breaks URL's. I've looked into .startswith

Solution 1:

So I've tried with a combination of stocking the position, the url and re-appending it.

This end up like this :

$('#status').each(function() {
    var text = $(this).text();
    var n = text.indexOf('http');
    var url = text.match('http(s?):\/\/[^<\s]*');
        text = text.replace(url[0],'')
    text = text.toLowerCase()
        .replace('... ', ' ... ')
        .replace('health ', '#health ')
        .replace('video', 'Video')
        .replace('emergency', '#emergency')
        .replace('climate change', '#climatechange')
        .replace('climate ', '#climate ')
        text = text.slice(0,n) + url[0] + text.slice(n);
<scriptsrc=""></script><textareaid="status"name="status"required=""autofocus=""aria-required="true"aria-describedby="post-error char-count">EPA shuts down program helping states adjust to climate change</textarea>

Solution 2:

Try parsing your text to URL, and if it works, don't lower-case it:

You can see it works in a fiddle I made -

text = text.split(' ');

text.forEach(function (value, index) {
    try {
        var url = new URL(value);
    } catch (ex) {
        text[index] = value.toLowerCase();

text = text.join(' ');

Solution 3:

Why can't you use regex to find if some string is starting from https:// or http://, then don't apply toLowerCase on it.

const regex = /^(https:\/\/)/g;
const str = ``;
let m;

while ((m = regex.exec(str)) !== null) {
    // This is necessary to avoid infinite loops with zero-width matchesif (m.index === regex.lastIndex) {
    // The result can be accessed through the `m`-variable.
    m.forEach((match, groupIndex) => {
        console.log(`Found match, group ${groupIndex}: ${match}`);

So, you can create a function to check if string is URL and then execute toLowerCase on non-URL strings.

Let me know if this is what you were looking for.

Updated after OP showed some snippet

I still believe regex is the solution for you

Here's the updated snippet

var str = 'EPA shuts down program helping states adjust to climate change  Which url is lowercased dummy text';
var regex = /^(http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}(:[0-9]{1,5})?(\/.*)?$/g;
str.split(" ").forEach(function (obj) {
  if(obj.match(regex) === null) {
    obj = obj.toLowerCase();

As you can see, everything's got lowercased except URL.

Solution 4:

var dictionary1= {
    " A":" b",
    " B":" b",
    " C":" C",

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    setTimeout(function() {
$("#status").each( function(){
    for( var ptrn in dictionary1){
        $(this).text( $(this).text().replace(newRegExp(ptrn ,"g"), dictionary1[ptrn] ) );
}, 100);

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