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“var” Variables, "this" Variables And "global" Variables - Inside A Javascript Constructor

After my last question, this one is more accurate for me: example: function Foo() { this.bla = 1; var blabla = 10; blablabla = 100; this.getblabla = function () {

Solution 1:

Just to focus on the scope, I'm going to run through this example, (with clearer variables) Afterwards, I'll connect it back to your variables.

var x = "Global scope";
var y = "Not changed.";

functionFoo() {
    this.x = "Attribute of foo";
    var x = "In foo's closure";
    y = "Changed!"this.getX = function () { 
        return x;

// do some loggingconsole.log(x); // "Global scope"console.log(y); // "Not changed"
foo = newFoo();
console.log(y); // "Changed!"console.log(foo.x); // "Attribute of foo"console.log(x); // "Global scope"console.log(foo.getX()); // "In foo's closure"

The line: this.x is equivalent to this.bla, and it defines an externally available attribute of a Foo object. y is equivalent to blablabla=100 and then the x within foo is equivalent to your blablabla within foo. Here's a really rough jsfiddle you can run to see this.

Solution 2:

Everything you've said is correct. (Of course, an error will be thrown at the blablabla assignment in Strict Mode.

On the second half, there's nothing special about the constructor function. It just acts like any other function in that it creates a closure that persists as long as its referenced (the lifetime of this.getblabla in this case).

Take this example:

functioninitBlaBla() {
    var blabla = 10;
    this.getblabla = function () { 
        return blabla; // exposes blabla outside

functionFoo() {
    this.bla = 1;
    blablabla = 100;;

foo = newFoo();

Here, the Foo constructor doesn't form a closure and its scope gets released immediately. initBlaBla on the other hand creates a closure. Interestingly, the compiler may see that blabla is never written to and optimize this.getblabla to always return 10 and never save the closure scope. This can be seen when you break execution in a function inside a closure and try reading a value it doesn't internally reference.

The closure scope will get released and queued for garbage collection if you call any of the following:

delete foo.getblabla;
foo.getblabla = "Anything!";
foo = "Anything else.";

Solution 3:

Yes, you understand it! As for the second part of the question, it is all about inheritance, just like the relation between (global) window and the functions defined in it's scope (think root). So everything you do not re-specify, will be looked up at the ancestor.

This is a tremendous good video by Crockford, who explains it REALLY well.

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