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Move() Element On Window.resize() Function Not Working On Android

This is the move() function function move(){ /*calculate*/ var size = { x: $(window).width(), y: $(window).height() }; var scroll = { x: $(window).scrollLeft(

Solution 1:

I'm pretty certain scrollLeft doesn't work on android for some reason. Works beautifully on iOS, but I could never get it to work on android. Give it a test and see if you are actually getting a value back for it.

Edit: not just the function scrollLeft(), but really anything to do with horizontal scrolling doesn't seem to work in android.

A workaround I'm using to get things to actually move left/right is are the css properties:

-webkit-transform -webkit-transition-property -webkit-transition-timing-function -webkit-transition-duration

However that might not work for you since you're really just trying to get the value rather than actually move something.

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