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Js Prompt To Php Variable

Is this possible? Or do I really need to AJAX JS first? var eadd=prompt('Please enter your email address');< /script>'; $e

Solution 1:

Its not possible. You should use ajax. jQuery was used in the following example:

<script>var eadd=prompt("Please enter your email address");
    type: "POST",
    url: "/sample.php",
    data: eadd,
    success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR)

in php file


Solution 2:

Ajax (using jQuery)


var email_value = prompt('Please enter your email address');
if(email_value !== null){
    //post the field with ajax
        url: 'email.php',
        type: 'POST',
        dataType: 'text',
        data: {data : email_value},
        success: function(response){ 
         //do anything with the responseconsole.log(response);



echo'response = '.$_POST['data'];


response =

Solution 3:

Is not possible directly. Because PHP is executed first on the server side and then the javascript is loaded in the client side (generally a browser)

However there are some options with or without ajax. See the next.

With ajax. There are a lot of variations, but basically you can do this:

//using jquery or zeptovar foo = prompt('something');
    type: 'GET', //or POSTurl: 'the_php_script.php?foo=' + foo
    success: function(response){

and the php file

<?phpecho ($_GET['foo']? $_GET['foo'] : 'none');

Witout ajax: If you want to pass a value from javascript to PHP without ajax, an example would be this (although there may be another way to do):

//javascript, using jquery or zeptovar foo = prompt('something');
//save the foo value in a input form
$('form#the-form input[name=foo]').val(foo);

the html code:

<!-- send the value from a html form--><formid="the-form"><inputtype="text"name="foo" /><inputtype="submit"/></form>

and the php:

<?php//print the foo valueecho ($_POST['foo'] ? $_POST['foo'] : 'none');

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