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How To Remove Undefined Error In Angular Js?

How to remove undefined error in angular js ?Actually i am trying to load data in using resolve and use that data in controller but on controller i am getting undefined why ? reso

Solution 1:

I would say, that you are almost there.

Just the service/factory must return something. I mean here:

message: function(testservice) {
      return testservice.getdata();

we expect something... and there was nothing

I added one line return data; and there is that updated plunker

.factory('testservice', ['$http',
  functiontestservice($http) {
    // interface// implementationfunctiongetData() {

      return $http.get("")
        .then(function(data) {

          // HERE - this line was missing// return something herereturn data;

        }, function(error) {

EXTEND: How to show some view ...loading... before resolve is done?

Based on some comments I extended the example here. It is now showing this view:


<div ><divui-view=""><h2>...loading...</h2></div></div>

which is a view of a brand new parent state 'loadingB':

.state('loadingB', {
  redirectTo: "b",
  templateUrl : "loadingB.html",

It injects the above view loadingB.html in position of original state 'b'. And it has one property redirectTo: "b", which is managed by this small piece of code:

.run(['$rootScope', '$state', function($rootScope, $state) {
    $rootScope.$on('$stateChangeSuccess', function(evt, to, params) {
      if (to.redirectTo) {
        $state.go(to.redirectTo, params)

And our service now uses $timeout to get some delay:

.factory('testservice', ['$http', '$timeout',
  functiontestservice($http, $timeout) { 
    // interface// implementationfunctiongetData() { 

        .then(function(data) {
          console.log("resolved http")
            console.log("after two seconds delay")
            return data;
          }, 2500)

And finally, we have to redirect to loadingB here

$scope.moveto = function() {

And also make the 'b' child of 'laodingB'

.state("b", {
  parent: "loadingB", 
  templateUrl: "b.html",
  url: "/b",
  controller: 'b', 
  resolve: { 
    message: function(testservice) {
      return testservice.getdata();

Check it all here

Solution 2:

Radim Koehler has the correct answer, or even easier, just return the promise from the getData function in the service:

function getData() { 
      return $http.get("");

Solution 3:

If you want to resolve state before going into view, then you need to do few things. resolve you state like this

.state('app.b', {
  url: "/b",
  views: {
    'menuContent': {
      templateUrl: "b.html",
      controller: 'b',
      resolve: {
        apiData: "testservice",
        itemDetailsData: function($q, apiData) {
          var item = apiData.getdata();
          if (item) {
          } else {

in you services you can have factory method like :

.factory('albumService', ['$http', '$q', '$ionicLoading', '$timeout', albumFn])
functionalbumFn($http, $q, $ionicLoading, $timeout) {
return {
getAlbums: function() {
    content: '<i class="icon ion-loading-d"></i>',
    animation: 'fade-in',
    showBackdrop: true,
    maxWidth: 200,
    showDelay: 5

  var def = $q.defer();
    .success(function(data) {
    .error(function() {
      def.reject("Failed to get albums");

  return def.promise;


I have created similar plunker demo here

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