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How Do I Log A Mixpanel Event When A User Clicks A Link?

I'm trying to log an event in MixPanel when users click a certain type of link. I'm using JQuery to do it unobtrusively and as far as I understand I need to add a callback function

Solution 1:

Mixpanel has recently added a method mixpanel.track_links that does the job.

Solution 2:

The third argument of the mpq.track function is a callback. This code gets executed once the tracking has completed, and would be a reliable way to send the user to the other page.

$("#more-posts").on("click", function(event) {
        mpq.track("More Posts", null, function() {

Solution 3:

I believe this is a candidate for MixPanel support: The bug does not lie with your jQuery code. Here's a working jsFiddle that demonstrates the basic functionality.

As I mentioned, I've seen similar issues with a _kmq.push with Kissmetrics. Their JS simply might not have time to register the event. If you try a longer timeout, it might work, but this is bad UX.

Update here if/when you reach out to MixPanel.

Solution 4:

Instead of using setTimeout, consider using the callback param of mpq.track.

Alternatively, track the page load at the location that the link would have gone to.

Solution 5:

The easiest way is to use the function callback in mixpanel.track which fires after the event is successfully logged.

Code would look like this.

mixpanel.track("Great Success!", {}, function(){
  window.location.href = "";

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