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Hide Asp Radio Button Text

I have a asp radio button and i want to set it's visibility to false in javascript. I am t

Solution 1:

It's because:

<asp:RadioButtonID="rad1"Text="my radio button"runat="server"GroupName="b" />

Is actually rendered to (you can view the source):

<input name="b"id="rad1"type="radio" value="rad1">
<label for="rad1">my radio button</label>

So if you want to make both hidden you have to do something like:

var rad1 = document.getElementById("rad1"); = "hidden"; = "hidden";

or an easier approach would be to place the radio button in a div for example, something like:

<divid="foo"><asp:RadioButtonID="rad1"Text="my radio button"runat="server"GroupName="b" /></div>

and then just do:

document.getElementById("foo").style.visibility = "hidden";

Solution 2:

Try this by JQuery First don't forget to add Jquery CDN at your page Header.


And the functions will be. rdName => is your RadioButton Id

$('#rdName').css('display','none');   //Hide Radiobutton.
$('label[For= "rdName"]').css('display','none'); //Hide Radiobutton Text.

And You have another solution to drag the radiobutton in a and give it an Id. then Hide / Show it, then the radiobutton will aslo be hidden and its text.

Solution 3:

you should use this type of code to get controls

document.getElementById('<%=rad1.ClientID %>').style.visibility = "hidden";

by this you can set visibility to false .

Solution 4:

You can use jquery for hiding it,


let me know if it works or not. It should work fine

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