Selected Item On Bootstrap Dropdown List
Solution 1:
1. Display the selected item on Bootstrap dropdown list
In order to handle selections on a bootstrap dropdown list, you can bind an click event handler to the ul.dropdown-menu element.
This enables you to capture click events from the nested li elements as well, which can in fact be treated as selection events.
Assume this html structure:
<div><inputtype="text"id="typeahead"name="date"placeholder="date"class="form-control"data-provide="typeahead"autocomplete="off" /></div><divclass="btn-group"><buttonclass="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"id="dates-dropdown-button"type="button"data-toggle="dropdown"href="#"><!-- Placeholder for the selected th date --><spanclass="selection"><?=$reminder_table_th_date?></span><spanclass="caret"></span></button><ulclass="dropdown-menu"aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1"id="name-dates-dropdown"><li>12.11.97</li><li>10.01.07</li><li>2.11.2017</li></ul></div>
Then you can handle selection on a bootstrap dropdown list with this event handler:
// handles selections on a bootstrap dropdown list
$('.dropdown-menu').click(function (e) {
var isLITag = && == 'LI';
if (isLITag) {
var selectedValue = $(;
$('#typeahead').typeahead('val', selectedValue);
// Specifies the display value of the dropdown element
$('.dropdown-toggle .selection').text(selectedValue);
2. Typeahead value
I think there is a problem how you assign the datasource to the typeahead only the second parameter accepts a datasources. Furthermore typeahead.js provides a richer data source implementations called Bloodhound, it is worth to consider.
I created a demo that makes use of the bloodhound data source. It also demonstrates how to specifies the value of typeahead and how you can handle typeahead selections.
$(document).ready(function() {
// Constructs the suggestion engine with a set of local dummy dates.var dateSet = {
name: 'dates',
display: 'date',
source: newBloodhound({
datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.obj.whitespace('date'),
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
local: [{
'date': '12.11.97',
'id': 0
}, {
'date': '2.11.2017',
'id': 1
}, {
'date': '10.01.07',
'id': 2
* In order to integrate your ajax call
* replace the local attribute with:
* remote: {
* url: '/functions/name-autocomplete.php?query=%QUERY',
* wildcard: '%QUERY'
* }
* Twitter provides a list of examples at:
// Creates the typeahead and assign the dateSet.
minLength: 1
}, dateSet);
// The selection handler sets the value for the drop down-menu// whenever a suggestion is chosen.
$('#typeahead').bind('typeahead:select', function(ev, selection) {
$('.dropdown-toggle .selection').text(;
// handles selections on a bootstrap dropdown list
$('.dropdown-menu').click(function(e) {
var isLITag = && == 'LI';
if (isLITag) {
var selectedValue = $(;
$('#typeahead').typeahead('val', selectedValue);
//Specifies the display value of the dropdown element
$('.dropdown-toggle .selection').text(selectedValue);
.tt-menu {
background: white;
box-shadow: 05px10pxrgba(0,0,0,.2);
border-radius: 9px;
padding: 10px;
<linkhref="" /><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><scriptsrc=""></script><div><inputtype="text"id="typeahead"name='name'placeholder='Serach for ...'class="form-control"data-provide="typeahead"autocomplete="off" /></div><divclass="btn-group"><buttonclass="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"id="dates-dropdown-button"type="button"data-toggle="dropdown"href="#"><!-- Placeholder for the selected th date --><spanclass="selection"><?=$reminder_table_th_date?></span><spanclass="caret"></span></button><ulclass="dropdown-menu"aria-labelledby="dropdownMenu1"id="name-dates-dropdown"><li>12.11.97</li><li>10.01.07</li><li>2.11.2017</li></ul></div>
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