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Javascript Serialization Of Typed Objects

I'm unclear how serialization/de-serialization is supposed to work on typed objects in JavaScript. For example, I have a 'MapLayer' object that contains various members and arrays

Solution 1:

For a start, here is a simple example of custom serialization / deserialization:

function Person( name, sex, age ) { = name; = sex;
    this.age = age;

Person.prototype.serialize = function () {
    var obj = this;
    return '{ ' + Object.getOwnPropertyNames( this ).map( function ( key ) {
        var value = obj[key];
        if ( typeof value === 'string' ) { value = '"' + value + '"'; }
        return '"' + key + '": ' + value;
    }).join( ', ' ) + ' }';

Person.deserialize = function ( input ) {
    var obj = JSON.parse( input );
    return new Person(,, obj.age );


First, we create a new instance object:

var person = new Person( 'John', 'male', 25 );

Now, we serialize that object into a string using the Person.prototype.serialize method:

var string = person.serialize();

This will give use this string:

{ "name": "John", "sex": "male", "age": 25 }

Finally, we deserialize that string using the Person.deserialize static method:

var person2 = Person.deserialize( string );

Now, person2 is an instance of Person and contains the same property values as the original person instance.

Live demo:

Now, while the Person.deserialize static method is required in any case (it uses JSON.parse internally, and invokes the Person constructor to initialize a new instance), the Person.prototype.serialize method on the other hand, is only needed if the built-in JSON.stringify static method doesn't suffice.

In my example above var string = JSON.stringify( person ) would get the job done too, so a custom serialization mechanism is not needed. See here: However, your case is more complex, so you'll need to define a custom serialization function.

Solution 2:

If you look at the ST-JS ( project, it allows to create your object graph in Java on the server side, serialize it in JSON, and deserialize it on the client side (Javascript) in a typed manner, i.e. the objects will be instantiated using their constructor and you can call methods on the created objects.

To use ST-JS you should write your client code is Java, that is converted almost one-to-one in Javascript.

The AJAX/JSON chapter on the home page of the site explains you how to parse a JSON string while keeping the type information.

Solution 3:

My question is, how is the resulting object supposed to get deserialized as a MapLayer object rather than as a generic Object. And how are all the Sprite instances supposed to get deserialized as sprites.

I've made an npm module named esserializer to solve this problem: save JavaScript class instance values during serialization, in plain JSON format, together with its class name information:

const ESSerializer = require('esserializer');
const serializedText = ESSerializer.serialize(anInstanceOfClassMapLayer);

Later on, during the deserialization stage (possibly on another machine), esserializer can recursively deserialize object instance, with all Class/Property/Method information retained, using the same class definition:

const deserializedObj = ESSerializer.deserialize(serializedText, [MapLayer, Sprite]);
// deserializedObj is a perfect copy of anInstanceOfClassMapLayer

Should I be using "new MapLayer()" instead of "{}"? Or am I simply supposed to include the prototype and constructor properties of the object in the serialization?

Inside ESSerializer, class name information is included during serialization, and all prototype properties are re-constructed during deserialization.

I don't want to serialize the tileset as an object that gets constructed as a new object during de-serialization, but rather as a reference to an existing object.

Unfortunately, it is impossible. The serialization happens on one machine and the deserialization may happen on another computer -- anyway, this is what serialization/deserialization supposed to do. Computer would never know "an existing object" on another machine.

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