Converting Svg With Image Element To Html Canvas
I'm just trying to convert svg to html canvas, it works fine until i use image element in svg, if i use image elements means canvg is not working. This is the code which i used to
Solution 1:
You'd need to convert the image into a data URL. What you pass to canvg must be complete in a single file it can't have external references.
I can show you steps to see an image work. Start from this...
<svg width="100%" height="100%" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<image xlink:href="paste your data URL in here" height="75" width="75" y="27.5" x="29.5"></image>
- goto
- Select retrieve from a URL
- Enter as the URL
- Replace the output in the place indicated above (it's too big to include here)
- Paste the whole lot above into the test box here
- You're done, see the result on the left. Note I've only tested this on Firefox.
Solution 2:
Try this out:-
It's done using canvg
plugin Reference
//load a svg snippet in the canvas with id = 'drawingArea'
canvg(document.getElementById('canvas'), '<svg>...</svg>')
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