PrivateRouting When Token In Local Storage [TypeScript]
If my login in successful, an authentication token is returned, which is stored in the local storage. Upon successful login, I want to go the a private route. I found this code Jav
Solution 1:
just replace fakeAuth.isAuthenticated by your saved token which you might save it also as a global state right? so, in general, it just a boolean prop to check if the user is successfully login or not depend on that situation the user will redirect either to the login page or the protected page
Solution 2:
This will go in your index.tsx file:
const token = localStorage.getItem('token');
const PrivateRoute = ({component, isAuthenticated,}: any) => {
const routeComponent = (props: any) => (
? React.createElement(component, props)
: <Redirect to={{pathname: '/login'}}/>
return <Route {} render={routeComponent}/>;
And use this in the browser router/switch:
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