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1.toString() SyntaxError In Javascript

Why the first line below gives error although the second and third lines work fine? 1.toString(); // SyntaxError (1).toString(); // OK 1['toString'](); // OK

Solution 1:

The . presents ambiguity. Is it a decimal, or a property accessor?

The interpreter sees it as a decimal, so you can use .. to allow both the decimal, then the property syntax.


Or use one of the other ways you show to resolve the ambiguity.

Solution 2:

In (1).toString(), (1) forces it to evaluate before .toString() so it works. In 1.toString(), 1 is not a valid identifier so it does not work.

Solution 3:

In Javascript, using the dot (.) can be interpreted in one of two ways:

  1. As a Property Accessor (e.g., var prop = myObject.prop;).
  2. As part of a Floating-point Literal (e.g. var num = 1.5;).

In the above case, the leading 1. in 1.toString() is interpreted as a floating point number, hence the error:

SyntaxError: identifier starts immediately after numeric literal (learn more)

This is the same error you get if you try and declare a variable that starts with a number: var 1person = 'john';

To prevent the interpreter from seeing the 1. as a decimal and instead see it as accessing a property on our literal 1, there are several ways to accomplish this:

// Via white-space after the numeric literal
1 .toString();


// Via a grouping-operator, aka, parentheses
// @see

// Via an additional dot. Made clearer with parentheses as `(1.).toString()`

// Via an explicit fractional part (because `1. === 1.0`)

// Via bracket notation

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