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Highcharts Not Responsive After Reflow

I am setting up a specialised Print button. The page is complicated and needs some pre-processing before being sent to window.print(). I have the Highcharts code working at this po

Solution 1:

With the help of @Ryan's link, and comments from a co-worker, I tried a number of solutions which, while not working, got me closer.

Having then a better idea of what to look for, I finally found this answer Highcharts + Bootstrap .table-responsive issue which provided a key ingredient.

The two keys are:

  1. Do not set the size on either the SVG itself, or the direct Highchart's container. (I set it on a containing Div one level higher.)

  2. Trigger a $(window).trigger("resize"); event.

This worked in all browsers tested (Firefox, Chrome, IE 9 - 11).

----------------- The Final Code -----------------------

// Setup

$('.chart-container').css('width', '690px');

// Teardown

$('.chart-container').css('width', '');

Solution 2:

Do this after setting the size will do the trick.

   window.onresize = () => {
     chart.setSize($('parentElement').offsetWidth, height)

Yet if you change the onresize function to something else, it might not work. So this is more like a quick solution, yet it works perfectly

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