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Create Nested Object Of File Paths

I'm walking large directory tree recursively (from 100,000 to 1,000,000 objects) and need to add each file or directory to deeply nested object. Let's assume I got file paths like

Solution 1:

There you go :)

function buildTree(pathes, getValueCB) {

  var currentPath, lastPath, node, parent, map = {
      "": {
        children: []
    stack = [""]

  for (let path of pathes) {
    let nodes = path.split("/");
    for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
      currentPath = "/" + nodes.slice(1, i + 1).join("/")
      lastPath = stack[stack.length - 1]
      parent = map[lastPath]
      if (!map[currentPath]) {
        node = {
          name: currentPath,
          value: getValueCB(currentPath),
          children: []
        map[currentPath] = node;
    stack = stack.slice(0, 1)
  return map[""].children[0];

function getFileSizeSync() {
  return 200
var tree = buildTree(["/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2"], function(path) {
  return getFileSizeSync(path)

console.log (tree)

Here's the updated version that calculates the size recursively. (I can't put it into a snippet, that's why i leave the old one)

var fs = require('fs')
var Path = require ('path')

function calcSize (node) {
    var children = node.children; 
    node.value = children.reduce (function (size, child) {
        return size + child.value || reduceSize (child);
    }, 0)
    return node.value;
function getFileSizeSync(path) {
  var size = fs.statSync(path).size
  return size

function buildTree(pathes, getValueCB) {

  var currentPath, lastPath, node, parent, map = {
      "": {
        children: []
    stack = [""]

  for (let path of pathes) {
    let nodes = path.split(Path.sep);
    for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
      currentPath = Path.sep + nodes.slice(1, i + 1).join(Path.sep)
      lastPath = stack[stack.length - 1]
      parent = map[lastPath]
      if (!map[currentPath]) {
        node = {
          name: currentPath,
          value: getFileSizeSync(currentPath),
          children: []
        map[currentPath] = node;
    stack = stack.slice(0, 1)
  calcSize (map[""])
  return map[""].children[0];

var tree = buildTree(["/path/to/file1", "/path/to/file2"])

console.log (tree)

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